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Dr. Zeff of Salmon Creek Clinic in Vancouver WA

Jared Zeff, ND, L Ac.

Services & Fees


New Patients


New Patient – Comprehensive visit (90 minutes). . . $450

The most common new patient visit, and the best value. This involves a 90 minute – 2 hour visit, usually followed by initial treatment. This includes a detailed evaluation of the patient’s history and family medical history, a review of body systems, dietary intolerance evaluation, physical examination, and laboratory testing recommendations as appropriate. Dr. Jared Zeff will discuss his findings and assessment with you, and make recommendations for treatment.


New Patient - Remote visit (60 minutes). . . $325

For new patients who don't live in the area, and need a video or telehealth visit. Included in this visit is the review of your health concerns and medical history, assessment, and appropriate recommendations for naturopathic treatment options and further testing if necessary. It also includes the dietary evaluation.


New Patient – Pediatric Comprehensive Evaluation (45 minutes) . . . $250

For new pediatric patients with a singular, simple health concern who would like to establish care. Included in this visit is a physical examination, assessment, dietary evaluation, and appropriate recommendations for naturopathic treatment options and further testing if necessary. This generally involves a single and simple problem or concern, with initial treatment.


New Patient – Short Initial visit (45 minutes). . . $250
For new patients with a single health concern, (i.e. migraines). Included in this visit is a physical examination, assessment, and appropriate recommendations for naturopathic treatment options and further testing if necessary. This generally involves a single problem or concern, with initial treatment. Does not include the dietary intolerance evaluation.


New Patient – Acute care (30 minutes) . . . $125

A single acute issue (i.e. ear infection).  This includes an assessment of the problem and immediate treatment or referral as appropriate.



Established Patients


Standard Follow up Reevaluation (*most common* about 45 minutes) . . . $175

Brief Office visit (20-30 minutes) . . . $125

Pediatric visit (20-30 minutes). . . $95

Acute office visit (​single acute issue such as ear infection - 15 minutes) . . . $95

Extended visit (1 hour). . . $225


Phone or Video consultation

Price is variable, depending on time and complexity (15 - 60 minutes) . . . $95 - $225


After Hours Fee

In addition to the regular fee office visit fee for services outside of office hours. . . $75



Additional Services



New Patient – Acupuncture . . . $150
For new acupuncture patients: brief interview to determine scope of problem to be treated, including blood pressure, blood sugar, pulses, traditional diagnostics, and a 1/2 hour acupuncture treatment. 

1/2 Hour Acupuncture Treatment Package (10 – acupuncture treatments)** . . . $500

1/2 Hour Acupuncture Treatment (for established patients only) . . . $75



Hydrotherapy package** (12 total sessions)  . . . $600
4 treatments per week - 3 total weeks of treatment (non established patients must have referral if not establishing care)

Hydrotherapy (per treatment) . . . $75


**Notice: all purchased packages expire exactly 1 year from date of purchase.   


Dietary Intolerance Evaluation . . . $175
This is the traditional naturopathic method of determining dietary intolerance to specific categories of food, and is a foundational part of the healing protocol used by Dr. Zeff. This evaluation is preceded by a 15-20 minute office visit in which the evaluation, results, and benefits are explained. A written report of the results are sent to the patient.


Cyberscan Biofeedback (initial visit) . . . $150
                     Cyberscan Return Visit . . . $75
Electrotherapy/Physiotherapy . . . $75
Bowen Treatment (comprehensive) . . . $75

Lab fee (drawing / processing lab samples to send to labs) . . . $Variable

Allergy testing (external laboratories) . . . $Variable

General Consultation (per hour) . . . $350


House or Hospital call . . . $250 minimum
(For established patients in extreme circumstances. May incur additional fees dependent on treatment)




Please call the clinic for more information about our fees and services, or to schedule an appointment.


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